The 65th Annual WInd River Conference on Prokaryotic Biology will be held virtually June 16-17, 2021.

This year's keynote speakers are Beronda L. Montgomery (Michigan State University) and Michael D.L. Johnson (University of Arizona).  

Abstract submissions are due April 16, 2021.  For more information go to

We have 2 awesome talks lined up:

Luis Zea, Assistant Research Professor, Aerospace Engineering, Talk title: "Bacterial Phenomena Observed in Space"

Tanya Alderete, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Integrative Physiology Talk title: "Environmental Exposures and the Human Gut Microbiome Across the Lifecourse”

Our April meeting has changed into a webinar!  We will be having a workshop on Make and Makefiles.

Thea Whitman, a professor at UW-Madison will be giving a talk on “Microbial responses to boreal wildfires” at the EBIO seminar series (Friday, 2/14 at 3:30pm in Ramaley N1B23).

The March meeting of the CME will be held on Monday, March 9th in CIRES S274 from 3-5pm.

Our 2 speakers will be:

- David Johnston (Professor, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard - but here on sabbatical) "Isotopic approaches to quantifying in situ microbial activity”

- Aaron Whiteley (new assistant professor in Biochemistry at CU):  "cGAS-like Enzymes in Bacterial Immunity”


The first CME meeting of 2020 will be held on Monday, February 3rd in CIRES S274 from 3-5pm.  

Our speakers will be:

Dr. John Spear (Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Colorado School of Mines)

Dr. Shelley Copley (Professor, MCDB/CIRES, CU)

Join us for our monthly meeting in the CIRES Fellows Room (CIRES S274) from 3-5pm.

We will have several directors of core facilities here at CU Boulder giving short talks on how their facility can help with your research. BioCore, Central Analytical Lab and Mass Spectrometry Core, Light Microscopy Core Facility, BioFrontiers Advanced Light Microscopy Core, and BioFrontiers Sequencing Core will all be giving overviews and answering your questions.

Angela Oliverio PhD exit talk in Ramaley N1B23, 3:30pm - 4:30pm, October 18th, 2019. Title: "From soil to sourdough: the secret lives of microbes"